
Why Search Matters to Meetings and Events

Written by Tara Thomas

Search Engine Optimization sucks.

There are 8000 “expert” opinions all saying something different. The hardest part of SEO for the meeting and event marketer isn’t doing the SEO.. it is simply understanding the SEO.

So. Let’s fix this.

First, we need to understand why search matters. It probably goes without saying that most people get their information from search engines, the question is, what does that translate too? What does it mean in real, cold, hard, numbers.

Here is an infographic that spells it out.


YODA London: Your Guide to SEO


Now, we need the how.

Yep. You get it. Search matters.

SEO matters for b2b events and it matter for b2c events equally. Getting found is the first step in staying relevant.

Now that we know that you need to optimize your site for search, how do you go about it in a no nonsense way that will not take you four years and a new diploma to master. For that, we are turning to yet another infographic.

This is the best explanation that we have found that explains how to be successful with your SEO through copywriting and other techniques. What you should walk away with from the graphic above and the graphic below is that SEO is not overly complicated and you do not need to hire and expert, you need to put in the time and effort and just do it right.

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Tara Thomas

CMO & Co-Founder at The Meeting Pool
Tara is CMO and Co-Founder of The Meeting Pool, and a round-the-clock marketeer who works with tech companies on marketing activities including branding, events, social media, public relations, communications, strategy, and operations. Her background in the marketing of technology applications and online services spans a broad set of technologies including software-as-a-service, B2B, enterprise, financial services, publishing, real estate, and automotive markets. She has over 15 years of expertise managing strategic event marketing programs for companies including The Television Bureau of Advertising, Oracle, IPIX and The Cobalt Group, a leader in the automotive marketing space. Most recently at Certain, Inc., Thomas oversaw a myriad of strategic marketing initiatives that were essential to Certain’s growth.