Great News from Site International. Kevin Hinton has been selected as Chief Staff Officer. Everyone here at The Meeting Pool know Kevin and are excited that he will be bringing a wealth of experience, enthusiasm, and commitment to his new post.
Read on for the official announcement from Site International.
“We are thrilled to announce that the Site International Board of Directors and Site International Foundation Board of Trustees have selected Kevin M. Hinton as Chief Staff Officer to lead our organization into the future. In his new role, Kevin will assume responsibility for meeting the strategic and operational goals set by Site’s and the Site International Foundation’s leadership and will manage our Site Global headquarters team in Chicago at SmithBucklin Corporation, Site’s management partner.
Site President David Sand commented, “We are thrilled to welcome Kevin to the Site team. Kevin has extensive business and global experience in the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events industries, and his skills in implementing global business operations solutions will enable him to advance the mission of Site while increasing value to you, our members.”
Joining David today in the announcement, Site International Foundation President Jane E. Schuldt, CITE, CIS, added, “Kevin’s intimate knowledge of how the work of foundations enhances the organizations and industries they serve promises a great platform from which the ever-growing efforts of our Foundation can thrive.”
Prior to joining the Site and SmithBucklin teams, Kevin Hinton served as Executive Vice President of Associated Luxury Hotels International (ALHI) where he expanded the group’s portfolio outside the U.S. by bringing in 14 new global hotel members and built a team of global sales specialists that grew global revenue booking by 100 percent. Previously, he served as CEO of hinton+grusich, which later sold to ALHI, reinventing brand and market positions, changing the compensation model, creating new sales strategies and transforming the company from regional player to a national sales network with five sales offices to serve the needs of 130 hotel partners. Kevin has served as chairman of the board and chief elected officer of various international meetings industry associations, most recently leading efforts to create a new international “franchise” model to better serve the member needs of one group’s global audiences.
Kevin earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Finance and German, from Marquette University.
Site President David Sand added, “To my fellow members I wish to note that Site is at a very exciting and crucial period in its 40-year history of serving the incentive industry. The Board of Directors has recently undertaken an intensive long-range planning exercise, which we know will position our organization for unparalleled future growth and dynamic new service to our international membership. Welcoming an executive with the experience, stature and knowledge of Kevin Hinton at this opportune time guarantees that the Board’s initiatives will be implemented with professional and great care to better serve you. Join me in welcoming Kevin to the Site world.”

The Meeting Pool

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