Thanks for your time, Peter. Exciting times for Certain as you advance your event management platform. Tell us… What was the inspiration or the driver for Certain acquiring Check In Easy?
Fast and simple check-in of attendees… the delight that meeting professionals were telling us about from the Check In Easy experience. We found the word of mouth very strong among our leading customers and prospects.
Why Check In Easy in particular vs. the other check-in platforms out there?
Check In Easy is an incredibly easy to use app easily accessible from the App Store and Google Play. It can run both independently and in conjunction with event management platforms. Event planners can populate Check In Easy from excel or any event management platform including Certain.
What are the top 3 capabilities of Check In Easy that sealed the deal?
- Eliminates the paper guest list with an iPad, iPhone or Android device
- Provides total guest management – everything from VIP communications to scanning bar codes
- Complete session management informing you who attended.
What do you plan on doing with the platform and how are you planning on integrating it with Certain as we all know it?
We have an integration underway to provide seamless data exchange with the Certain enterprise event management platform. Registration data can flow from the platform to Check In Easy and vice versa.
With this new capability are you going to be tapping into any new markets?
We are looking forward to introducing Certain to meeting professionals who may have an immediate need to check in attendees digitally and who then discover the rich, scalable event management platform that meets corporate marketing and event needs.
What are the future trends that you see happening in the industry from your perspective?
We see meeting professionals and corporate marketers collaborating to drive measurable results. Increasingly that means all data sources including check in, mobile, registration, CRM and marketing automation must be fully integrated to drive productivity and revenue.
With budget season upon our event planners what would you advise them to look at when selecting event management platforms?
Event management is a critical marketing and logistical investment for corporations. Since most events are held in support of marketing a product, service or message we emphasize making it easy for events to deliver both a great experience and a powerful engine for marketing. Attendees come to events for knowledge and connections. Certain delivers both with a scalable, secure event management platform that conforms to enterprise standards.
Anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Thanks for taking the time to get to know both Check In Easy and Certain. Certain delivers results for corporations and the meeting professionals that support them with not only great technology but an understanding of what it takes to support the world’s greatest events. Our solutions are used to deliver event success by companies ranging from small tech companies holding user conferences to the world’s largest event producer.
Read more from Certain on the Check In easy app here:

The Meeting Pool

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